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Premium Neutral Printable Baby Shower Games

Item Number: Premium Neutral Guess Game

Vendor:  Free Funeral Stationery

File Type: PDF

Download Size: 1,113 KBytes

Price: USD 2.00 (Instant Download)


PDF printable Baby Shower game for babies of unknown gender.

Web Site:

Product Created: 2012-01-04

Premium Girl Printable Baby Shower Games

Item Number: Premium Girl Guess Game

Vendor:  Free Funeral Stationery

File Type: PDF

Download Size: 625 KBytes

Price: USD 2.00 (Instant Download)


PDF printable Baby Shower game for girl babies.

Web Site:

Product Created: 2012-01-04

Premium Boy Guess Printable Baby Shower Games

Item Number: Premium Boy Guess Game

Vendor:  Free Funeral Stationery

File Type: PDF

Download Size: 851 KBytes

Price: USD 2.00 (Instant Download)


PDF printable Baby Shower game for boy babies.

Web Site:

Product Created: 2012-01-04

The Created Couple

Item Number: dpWDS08

Vendor:  dpdotcom

File Type: PDF

Download Size: 1,642 KBytes

Price: USD 5.99 (Instant Download)


"The Created Couple" concerns the Manikin family, a group of seven robots, or AI units, created somewhat on the cheap by computer scientist extraordinaire Bessie Manikin. After a series of mishaps, the main character, Kendall Manikin joins forces with his recently upgraded sister Nancy, a Christian unit, for a high-tech religious adventure.

Working for Homeland Security, Kendall and Nancy must track Russians Ivan and Ada Maslov, a second created couple fashioned by the god Lovejoy. It is Lovejoy’s goal to think the world out of existence so that it becomes only thoughts in his mind, in the well-known immaterialist manner of Bishop Berkeley.

Kendall determines that this will have dire consequences for the Earth and its people, and vows to stop Lovejoy.

Web Site:

Product Created: 2011-12-26

What Are You Waiting For?

Item Number: Audio-001


File Type: MP3

Download Size: 33,056 KBytes

Price: USD 9.95 (Instant Download)


In this presentation, recorded before a live audience, Chicago motivational speaker Wes Bleed gives you the keys to improve your leadership skills and adapt to change.

Web Site: 

Product Created: 2011-12-03

Learning To Stand

Item Number: Ebook 201

Vendor:  Triple Heart Ministries

File Type: PDF

Download Size: 2,345 KBytes

Price: AUD 9.95 (Instant Download)


Ministry Manuals have been designed to facilitate prayer ministry at a heart level for small groups. The Ministry Manual "Learning To Stand' explores the relationship between the spiritual and natural realms and the resulting impact upon our ability to stand. We go back to the beginnings in Genesis to see what Gad established in the Garden Of Eden. We look at the choices Adam and Eve made and how that still impacts our ability to stand today. We all begin our Christian life as baby Christians. As we grow and mature in Christ, we slowly but surely learn how to stand more sturdily and for longer. In the beginning we wobble a lot just like toddlers learning to stand. We fall often but learn to get up again and practice standing once more. As our confidence in Christ grows, so our ability to stand grows too. Each session offers teaching, demonstration and practice in meeting with Jesus.

Web Site:

Product Created: 2011-07-11


Item Number: OS-555-04

Vendor:  Ohm Spiritu

File Type: MP3

Download Size: 47,153 KBytes

Price: GBP 1.44 (Instant Download)


These temple soundscapes fuse the sacred resonance of the tambouras
with subtle electronica, creating a deep ambient healing experience,
whilst honouring the four sacred directions. The Tamboura's reflect the
eternal nature of reality.

The Tamboura used for this project was recorded in the Sri Bal Makunder
ashram in Pushka, India which depicts the Hindu muse of creativity and
music, Saraswati, who is the inspiration for this album. Originally designed
to practise mantras with, it is also ideal for yoga and meditation or simply for transporting your-Self to the sacred healing temple of your Soul...

Web Site:

Product Created: 2011-05-27


Item Number: OS-555-03

Vendor:  Ohm Spiritu

File Type: MP3

Download Size: 46,889 KBytes

Price: GBP 1.44 (Instant Download)


These temple soundscapes fuse the sacred resonance of the tambouras
with subtle electronica, creating a deep ambient healing experience,
whilst honouring the four sacred directions. The Tamboura's reflect the
eternal nature of reality.

The Tamboura used for this project was recorded in the Sri Bal Makunder
ashram in Pushka, India which depicts the Hindu muse of creativity and
music, Saraswati, who is the inspiration for this album. Originally designed
to practise mantras with, it is also ideal for yoga and meditation or simply for transporting your-Self to the sacred healing temple of your Soul...

Web Site:

Product Created: 2011-05-27


Item Number: OS-555-01

Vendor:  Ohm Spiritu

File Type: MP3

Download Size: 46,850 KBytes

Price: GBP 1.44 (Instant Download)


These temple soundscapes fuse the sacred resonance of the tambouras
with subtle electronica, creating a deep ambient healing experience,
whilst honouring the four sacred directions. The Tamboura's reflect the
eternal nature of reality.

The Tamboura used for this project was recorded in the Sri Bal Makunder
ashram in Pushka, India which depicts the Hindu muse of creativity and
music, Saraswati, who is the inspiration for this album. Originally designed
to practise mantras with, it is also ideal for yoga and meditation or simply for transporting your-Self to the sacred healing temple of your Soul...

Web Site:

Product Created: 2011-05-27


Item Number: OS-555-02

Vendor:  Ohm Spiritu

File Type: MP3

Download Size: 46,450 KBytes

Price: GBP 1.44 (Instant Download)


These temple soundscapes fuse the sacred resonance of the tambouras
with subtle electronica, creating a deep ambient healing experience,
whilst honouring the four sacred directions. The Tamboura's reflect the
eternal nature of reality.

The Tamboura used for this project was recorded in the Sri Bal Makunder
ashram in Pushka, India which depicts the Hindu muse of creativity and
music, Saraswati, who is the inspiration for this album. Originally designed
to practise mantras with, it is also ideal for yoga and meditation or simply for transporting your-Self to the sacred healing temple of your Soul...

Web Site:

Product Created: 2011-05-27


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