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Elektra's Daydream

Item Number: OS-111-03

Vendor:  Ohm Spiritu

File Type: MP3

Download Size: 17,207 KBytes

Price: GBP 0.77 (Instant Download)


From the rather beautiful and unique electronic/ambient album Immortal Portal created by Ohm Spiritu...

MP3 at 320 kbps

Web Site:

Product Created: 2011-05-17

Rise (Arwen Mix)

Item Number: OS-111-02

Vendor:  Ohm Spiritu

File Type: MP3

Download Size: 17,313 KBytes

Price: GBP 0.77 (Instant Download)


From the rather beautiful and unique electronic/ambient album Immortal Portal created by Ohm Spiritu...

MP3 at 320 kbps

Web Site:

Product Created: 2011-05-17

Immortal Portal

Item Number: OS-111-01

Vendor:  Ohm Spiritu

File Type: MP3

Download Size: 17,088 KBytes

Price: GBP 0.77 (Instant Download)


The title track from the beautiful and rather unique electronic/ambient album entitled Immortal Portal.

MP3 at 320 kbps

Web Site:

Product Created: 2011-05-17

VWUO-MD Data mining software for hypothesis generation

Item Number: VWUO-MD-v1.12

Vendor:  Dr. Eric C. Sayre, PhD

File Type: 12_PAID_.ZIP

Download Size: 397 KBytes

Price: CAD 9.99 (Instant Download)


Short description:
Dr. Eric C. Sayre, PhD is a scientist, statistician, author and programmer. Eric is well-published, with over 100 publications since 1997. In Eric's PhD research, he developed a new method of unsupervised learning (hypothesis generation) designed specifically for mixed-type data (continuous, ordinal, nominal, binary symmetric and binary asymmetric), along with data mining software to perform the analyses. Variable-Weighted Ultrametric Optimization for Mixed-Type Data (VWUO-MD) is useful in identifying new, complex relationships between variables of many different kinds, for example between a multitude of health conditions, socio-economic and geographic factors, and health services utilization patterns. VWUO-MD is a valuable tool for exploiting the increasing multitude of highly multivariate, mixed-type databases available to researchers and industry, in developing new, previously unthought-of hypotheses.

Visit for more information, an abstract, links to the complete PhD thesis and user's guide, and a FREE TRIAL version of the software.

WARNING: To read the Software Performance Limitations and End User Software License Agreement to which you are agreeing when purchasing this program, and to download a FREE TRIAL version (recommended), visit BEFORE purchasing this program.

Web Site:

Product Created: 2011-03-08

Get A Great Job Fast!

Item Number: GAGJF-BK

Vendor:  PTG Enterprises

File Type: PDF

Download Size: 339 KBytes

Price: USD 29.95 (Instant Download)



If you've become unemployed recently, you know that the job market has changed. In fact, after a few hours of pounding the hot pavement, you understand that the entire process, of job hunting has changed.

I know because I was in the same situation.

This book is not based upon some useless theory. It's based on tried and true methods that I've used myself to land some of the best jobs I've had in my whole life--even in this terrible economy.

I'm going to provide you with a strategy to get you working quickly.

And a plan to get your ideal job.

There is no other book available with this information. If there was, I would have purchased it.

Instead, I put my background in marketing to work and developed a system to quickly find a job in any economy, in any location.

It worked for me.

It will work for you.


Delivered as a .PDF file. View on PCs, Apples, or other platforms that can read a .PDF. Over 50 pages with useful Appendix.

Web Site:

Product Created: 2011-02-24

Victory Garden Kindle

Item Number: 6

Vendor:  Family Gardens

File Type: PRC

Download Size: 6,392 KBytes

Price: USD 4.95 (Instant Download)


Victory Gardens is a resource for creating sustainable organic gardens. It includes detailed instructions on composting, soil preparation, planting and harvests. Victory Gardens is a basic step by step approach to growing a great organic garden. Available in PDF, Mobipocket, and the ePub files for viewing on the Kindle reader, sony reader, I phone and more.

Web Site:

Product Created: 2011-01-12

Victory Garden epub

Item Number: 5

Vendor:  Family Gardens

File Type: EPUB

Download Size: 10,834 KBytes

Price: USD 4.95 (Instant Download)


Victory Gardens is a resource for creating sustainable organic gardens. It includes detailed instructions on composting, soil preparation, planting and harvests. Victory Gardens is a basic step by step approach to growing a great organic garden.

Web Site:

Product Created: 2011-01-12

ABBA - The Inner Circle Interviews

Item Number: Bungalow1221

Vendor:  Bungalow Publishing

File Type: EPUB

Download Size: 251 KBytes

Price: EUR 19.95 (Instant Download)


ABBA - The Inner Circle Interviews is the ultimate book on the ABBA phenomenon. It's the result of hundreds of interviews with music professionals, journalists, managers and other industry leaders who worked closely with ABBA.

Web Site:

Product Created: 2010-11-08

Victory Garden Epub

Item Number: 4

Vendor:  Family Gardens

File Type: EPUB

Download Size: 10,834 KBytes

Price: USD 19.95 (Instant Download)


Victory Gardens is a resource for creating sustainable organic home gardens. It Includes detailed instructions on composting and making homemade compost bins, garden supply, and organic seeds. Victory Gardens is a basic step by step approach to growing a great organic garden.
The Victory Garden e-book is easily downloaded and is in a PDF, Kindle or E pub format easily viewed on PC and Mac computers. For more information contact Farmer Dave

Web Site:

Product Created: 2010-10-03

Victory Garden Kindle

Item Number: 3

Vendor:  Family Gardens

File Type: PRC

Download Size: 6,392 KBytes

Price: USD 19.95 (Instant Download)


Victory Gardens is a resource for creating sustainable organic home gardens. It Includes detailed instructions on composting and making homemade compost bins, garden supply, and organic seeds. Victory Gardens is a basic step by step approach to growing a great organic garden.
The Victory Garden e-book is easily downloaded and is in a PDF, Kindle or E pub format easily viewed on PC and Mac computers. For more information contact Farmer Dave

Web Site:

Product Created: 2010-10-03


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